How Strong Is Your Spiritual Connection?

How Strong Is Your Spiritual Connection?

A question that is often asked by our course students is ‘How do I know I’ve fully connected with my angels?’ It’s a difficult question to answer. The energies of the spiritual realms – angels, Archangels, Divine beings – are like...
Harmony & Cooperation

Harmony & Cooperation

We live in a world today in which many are seeking to find a new path for themselves – a higher, more spiritual, and more fulfilling life. As we each seek and find our own higher path, there is often a sense of being ‘out of step’ with the rest of society – a...
Winter Solstice Meditation

Winter Solstice Meditation

Inner Peace Exercise – the Eye of the Storm In our hurly burly world, especially at this time of year, we often need a moment to stop and centre ourselves again. In the middle of our busy world, a brief moment’s respite can allow us to ‘reset’...
An Angel Advent Calendar

An Angel Advent Calendar

This week we are starting a unique ‘angel advent calendar’ – 30 days over which you are called to commune daily with the angels. Over the next four weeks (through until December 30th) we’ll be celebrating the festive season by calling the angels and archangels into...
Creating Your Perfect Reality

Creating Your Perfect Reality

When working to co-create miracles and magic in your life, your divine nature must guide the process. Let’s explore some of the spiritual laws for manifesting your dreams. Whether you are creating your own reality, a co-creator with the Divine, or living your...
A Field Of Hope

A Field Of Hope

“Awaken dear one, to the light inside. A light so bright that it dazzles. Awaken now to your magnificence. You are a spiritual being with the spark of God inside. Look beneath the outer shell, your small human worries and fears, and you will glimpse the...