“Abundance is not something we acquire. It is something we tune in to.”
~Wayne Dyer~

In order for us to live the happiest and fullest lives, in greatest service, we need to be abundant and balanced in all areas of our lives. The degree to which we are able to maintain this, or restore this rapidly if it becomes out of balance, is a reflection of our degree of mastery. Masters can manifest everything they need.

Abundance will mean different things to different people. One may live a simple life, with a happy family, enjoyable work, good health, feeling peaceful and content, with very little money. Such a person may be said to be rich. Others who feel guided to create healing centres, charities, or other creations to serve humanity, may require a greater level of financial support to undertake all the activities (e.g. study, travel, contacting organisations, investment in buildings, advertising, staff, etc.) in order to manifest their mission.

Feeling lack, restricted, blocked, out of balance, does not serve you or Spirit. As well as the resources necessary to manifest our service work, we also need to live balanced lives – to look after our family responsibilities, to maintain good health and energy, and to enjoy study, rest, relaxation, play, to maintain happiness, balance and freshness of spirit. If you are lacking in any of these areas, you are disrupting the smooth flow of life.

Have a look and see if any area of your life is currently out of balance and in need of attention. Try this simple exercise below, which takes just 2 minutes.


Give yourself a rating out of 10 (10 = perfect, 5 = OK, under 5 = in need of attention) for each of the following areas of your life. Adapt or add to the categories if the words below do not fit you perfectly.

What marks out of 10 would you currently give to each of the following areas of your life:

  • Your Health
  • Your Relationship with your Partner or Spouse if you have one
  • Relationships with Friends / Family / Community
  • Work & Career
  • Finances
  • Your Home
  • General Happiness / Wellbeing
  • Spiritual Growth an Practice
  • Relaxation Time / Hobbies / Pasttimes

Which 2 areas do you feel would be most beneficial for you to improve at this time? Why are improvements in these areas important for you?

It’s suprising how small changes in one or two areas can bring your life back into balance. Suddenly ALL areas of your life improve. For example, I heard from a friend who found himself in a lonely place after a relationship breakdown. He was guided to get more involved in his community, joining local groups and creating new friendships. Within weeks his health improved, he felt deeper spiritual connection and greater purpose. And he was offered a job with a local business. All from one simple change to his social life!

Call upon the angels to guide you to take the correct steps and make the necessary and best possible improvements, for the highest good of all. Ask the angels to help you develop abundance and balance in all areas of your life. As you focus on abundance in all areas of your life, so you will be guided. Thoughts are powerful! Follow your guidance.

Be patient with yourself…

Learning to manifest abundance is a skill to be practised and learned. Celebrate any and all progress (gratitude assists manifesting). If you achieve less than perfect results, look at what needs to be released (inner doubts or fears, old programming, etc) and ask for help in releasing anything that is blocking you from greater abundance in all areas of your life. Spirit wants you to be happy, blessed, balanced, abundant, so that you can perform your highest good upon the earth. It may take a while to fully create this for yourself, but it is a worthwhile target to pursue. Happiness and abundance is our divine birthright, and part of what we are here to create.


Here are some relevant words, channelled from the angels:

“Each of you seeks happiness for yourself and your loved ones, which is good. In truth, you are on the earth partly to help humanity ascend to higher levels of consciousness and happiness. We are all one, so as we each individually create greater spiritual awareness, well-being and happiness within ourselves, and help others to do so too, so we contribute to the sum of humanity. Growth of each one assists the growth and development of all.

Many believe themselves unworthy, selfish or undeserving. In truth, all of you are deserving, and you cannot fully serve others unless you also serve and maintain your own well-being too. So you must be both selfish (looking after oneself) and self-less (serving others) in correct measures in being of greatest service. Depleting oneself, running oneself down, does not serve you or others. Ultimately, doing what is highest and best for you will also eventually prove to be of greatest service to others. We are all inter-linked – the wellbeing of one affects the well-being of all. So seek abundance and well-being for yourself as well as for others. In so doing, you assist the whole of humanity.”