First of all I and my team would like to wish all of our readers a very Happy Easter. As the world continues to go through transformation, it is good to pause for a break and take some time out. We wish angelic blessings to you all.

As we celebrate the Easter weekend, a time of renewal, it feels like a good opportunity to review the year so far and reflect on the year ahead.

I have a message for anyone who feels there is something “missing” from their life. Be it from the mild frustration of your career, problems with your relationships, lack of vitality and health, through to that deeply unhappy feeling that “I’m wasting my life”. Or maybe circumstances have forced you to review your life, and deep down you know you want to do things differently, but don’t know how. It’s also for anyone who wants to make a difference in the world but is worried about how to achieve this.

Are You On The Right Path?

Where do you want to be in 3 years time? Do you want to be in the same situation? On the same path? Or would you like to make changes? What would you prefer? What calls to you? (even if you don’t know exactly what or how you’ll achieve it, you can start to get a sense of your destination – if you are going in the right direction or not).

As we journey through this period of great change and beyond, many people are waking up and choosing to change direction in life (e.g. go into healing or setting up their own business, working with children, the environment, helping others, finding more fulfilling work and lives that make a difference.) This is an important time for many of us, to awaken, grow spiritually, and make sure we are in the right place for a new era, and going in the right direction.

Many people feel there is ‘something missing’ or ‘something more’ they are supposed to be doing with their lives. Maybe they have had angelic experiences, and wonder why and where this is leading. Maybe they feel they wish to develop further in some way. Some have gifts, or an interest in healing, writing, starting their own business, helping the world in some way. If you have these urges, it is because Spirit is calling you. Is it time to being thinking about a new future?

Take a few moments to think where you would like to be, and what you would like to be doing 2-3 years from now? Jot down your thoughts, dreams and aspirations. Can you visualise a life in which you are making a difference to the community and are fulfilled and happy? What does it look like? How does that thought make you feel?

Then when you’ve finished, ask yourself:

Are you currently heading in the right direction already, or do you need to make some adjustments or bigger changes?

Finding Your Life Purpose

In my working helping others, one of the most common areas that people want to change is their career. After 20 years of helping people find and begin their ideal career and lives, I know how much of a difference this makes to people. If we’re not happy in our jobs, it affects our mood, our health, our happiness, and impacts upon family and friends. So if we find our ideal work, we come alive, life blossoms afresh, and everyone around us benefits too.

Millions of people fall into the trap of a career they didn’t choose but feel obliged to follow. The social pressures of family, friends and even work colleagues make it seem impossible to escape and, of course, there are those bills to pay each and every month. The effects of an unfulfilling career can extend to family and friends. Stress and frustration lead to illness and poor health.

If you are frustrated and unhappy in your career the negativity can spill over into other parts of your life and create further problems.

Unhappiness at work can create poor health (tiredness, lack of energy, stress-related illnesses), put strains on your family and relationships, and cause unhappiness in your personal and social life too. If allowed to continue for too long, this can create serious illness (e.g. ulcers), depression, marital problems, nervous breakdowns – the consequences do not bear thinking about! Can you imagine continuing as you are for another 5 years?

On the other hand, once you discover and develop your ideal career, this creates joy, energy and enthusiasm which overflows into and enhances all areas of your life. Because you feel happier, more alive, energised, excited about life, this gives you energy, vitality, puts a sparkle into your relationships, inspires you to richer social life, and improves all aspects of your life. When you feel happy and fulfilled in life, not just you, but everyone around you notices the difference and benefits too!

My goal has always been to help millions of people all over the world to find and live more fulfilling and more abundant lives which contribute positively to the planet. We are not meant to suffer, struggle, or be in pain and unhappy. We are meant to live joyous lives, following our heart and spirit, using our gifts, doing what we love. It’s time for everyone to find their destiny.

Dave’s Story

A personal friend of mine, Dave, recovered from 2 heart attacks. Something inside told him this was a wake up call and that it was time for a complete change of life. After some discussions, he decided to listen to his inner voice and act.

He sold his one bedroom flat in the South East, moved to the North of England, where he bought a far cheaper 2 bedroom house, leaving him with plenty of money spare, and took his time finding an interesting job with a charity, making friends, joining local clubs, such as the local ramblers society, to enjoy all the beautiful countryside around him, and is now living a wonderful life.

He is delighted he listened and made the changes. His life has never been better. It pays to listen!

Ask your angels to give you a sign if you are on the right path, or need a change of direction.

Discover Your Life Path for 2018 and Beyond – Receiving Answers from Source

SPECIAL OFFER – 80% Discount

Discover Your Life Purpose

I recorded a unique audio workshop to enable you to connect with angels, archangels, masters, higher beings of light and/or Source, and discover your Life Purpose – your path of happiness, passion and abundance.

In this workshop you will:

* Link with angels, archangels, ascended masters, higher beings of light and/or God / Source.

* Receive Divine Energies to prepare you for your path and work.

* Discover your Life Purpose at last! Discover what are you really here to do on earth.

* See how this purpose perfectly fits you, your gifts and your life so far, like a glove tailored to your own hand.

* Be inspired to develop your path of joy, passion and abundance.

* Receive other personal guidance and messages about you and your path from the divine.

* Discover your gifts, and how to expand your work, so you can contribute your highest and best to the world.

* Feel your heart expand with love and joy, as you open to your true path and ideal future.

This is your chance to end the long wait and frustration of not knowing, struggling on the wrong path, knowing there is something more or something else you should be doing. And I’m offering the programme at 80% off the usual price – even more reason to take this chance now.

How will you benefit?

Discovering your Life Purpose at last will fill your heart and soul with joy and gladness as you discover why you are really here. Knowing your life path can save you considerable time, effort and money (wasted on the wrong path and courses), and enable you to move directly to getting on with your path of happiness, passion, and abundance.

When you know your path, doors open, miracles happen, and the divine guides you to a better, more prosperous and fulfilling life. You will not only connect and discover your life purpose, but be given tools and meditations which will enable you to go back again and explore in even greater depth the answers you need, receiving further energies and even more details and clarity, to help you move forwards. Click here to find out more:

I hope you’ll give this workshop a try. Once you’ve connected and been inspired, you’ll want to go back again for further healing, energies, and guidance on your path. This is your chance to discover and get on with the rest of your life. Have a warm and peaceful Easter.