We have all heard the idea that love is needed to heal the world. Can this really be true? I was giving this matter some thought today, having been guided to launch my new Divine Love Course, helping people to connect with pure Divine Love, and spread this love the world.
I wondered, in a moment of doubt, will this really make a difference to the world? Here is some guidance I received from the angels, about the difference that love can make to the world. The ideas flooded into my head in an instant – I have set them out below.
Sending love to the body, helps to heal the physical body
Sending love to one’s Self, helps to heal the mind, emotions, heart and soul
Sending love to others, helps them to heal and grow
Sending love to problems in relationships, helps them (in time) to be resolved in the best way
Sending love to situations, helps them be healed and resolved in higher ways
Sending love to the world, helps lift the energies on the planet, and helps the world to heal, grow and evolve
In fact, whatever the situation, sending love helps. So love really is the answer! The more we open to divine love, the better our lives will become. When we all collectively open to and share divine love, the more society, and the earth, will be healed, lifted and will evolve. So join me opening to greater divine love, and spreading this love to the world Ask the angels to help you open up to greater Divine Love.
I am so honoured to be the instrument of God’s love in bringing this new method of love and enlightenment to the world. Over the past few years, God and the angels have taken me on an incredible journey of cleansing, awakening, and ascending to Divine Love. It has been touching, deeply moving, and has greatly enhanced my life. I am continuing to develop even more, and seeing the unfolding grace and wisdom of the divine in my life, and those of others, as I embrace and share this love.
They asked me to share this process for ascending and reconnecting with divine live, to bring greater divine love and light to your life, and the world, with everyone now. It is a guided, step by step process, which can make a huge difference to your life, and to the world.
Just imagine if everyone opened up to greater love – the shifts on the planet would be extra-ordinary!
I would like to invite you, and others, to open up to greater Divine Love, so that together, we can transform our lives for the better, and help to spread love and transform the world. The course takes you on a profound and magical journey, up through various divine levels, back to God and pure, beautiful Divine Love, Oneness and Unity Consciousness. Monthly sessions guide and teach you step by step. The monthly meditations help you to bring these beautiful ever higher and pure vibrations and energies of love and light into your body and into your life, touching and blessing everything around you.
The course also enables you to receive higher guidance, answers and inspiration about your life and future. It also helps you to implement these insights, and use these new energies and this new consciousness on a daily basis, enhancing every aspect of your life – your health, your relationships, your work, your healing (if you are a healer), family, wealth, community – all aspects of your life. For God wants us to spread the love and the higher energies everywhere we go and into everything we do, so that everyone and everything can be touched and enhanced by this Great Love. It is designed to enhance your life, the lives of others, and the whole world.
I would like to invite you to close your eyes for a moment. Imagine what it would feel like to FEEL LOVED BY GOD, to be filled with a great love for yourself and the world. Imagine what it would be like to live each day filled with this great divine love and energy and wisdom of God. Imagine how it might positively touch the lives of those around you. Imagine the difference it could make to your life, and your work, and where it might lead. …If you can even begin to sense how wonderful and beneficial this might be, I would like to invite you to join the course. I envisage that the benefits will be even greater than you can currently imagine. This is a unique and wonderful opportunity to make a difference to your own life, and those of others, and to the world.
Here are just a few of the many things you can gain from the course:
- Explore the higher levels of love and reconnection back with God / Source
- Reconnect with Divine Love
- Experience Love, Unity, Oneness, Bliss, being part of the Universe / All
- Bring Divine Love and Light to the World
- Spread divine love into all corners of your life
- Live with greater Peace, Love, and Joy on a daily basis
- Receive divine help and magical solutions to problems and challenges in your life
- Share this love and make a difference to others (and the world)
- Open to your highest potential, your highest divine gifts and your highest path
- Fulfil your soul purpose on earth – grow spiritually, reconnect with the Divine, and play your unique part in assisting the transformation of the planet
- Experience greater love, flow, harmony, peace and miracles in all areas of your life
Here are a few typical comments from some of those with whom I have shared some of the insights and meditations.
“The most beautiful meditation I have EVER done” (Charlotte T)
“It was so beautiful l didn’t want to come back. I cannot find the words to do that justice. I’m speechless. Absolutely amazing!” (Linda E)
I hope this course will bring profound miracles to your life, and those of many others, as we spread this love to the world. Does it appeal to you? If so, the angels, the divine and I would like to invite you to consider joining the course. If so, please take a look at the course details, and see if it is right for you.