A message from my angels and divine team today.

Beloved Ones, you know we are all evolving towards a higher future. Today we would like to invite you to consider the question ‘Is your life evolving along the right path?’

There are many signs that let us know if we are on the right track or have strayed off the true path.

We would like to invite you to consider this question today.

Let us help you check your path

When our life is flowing in the right direction, it is filled with synchronicities.  Little events lead us to be in the right place at the right time. Comments from people, signs, ideas in books, our intuitions, dreams, chance events, help our lives to flow and expand. And as we look back, we can see how all our guidance led us to be in this situation, and to feel blessed.

When was the last time that you noticed that you were being guided?  A few days ago? A few weeks ago? A few months ago?   The further you are along your path, the faster and more frequently the guidance should come to you. If you are noticing lots of guidance. Celebrate and give thanks to the angels and divine guidance that lights your way.

If it has been a long time since you received guidance, or you have never received guidance, say a prayer to ask to be guided to the right person or situation to help you begin to get your life back on track.

Here is a simple way to check if you are on the right path. It is also a useful tool to help you make any important decision.


Ask yourself the question ‘Am I on the right path?’, then see what answer you receive from:

  1. Your head / logical mind (what words or messages are you hearing in your head?)
  2. Your Instincts / intuition (what feelings are you experiencing in the pit of your stomach?)
  3. Your heart (how do FEEL about the question – is your heart full of joy?)
  4. Your soul / spirit / higher self (can you hear, see or feel anything that you would call ‘spiritual’?)
  5. And optionally say a short prayer or meditate for a few minutes and check your spiritual guidance – e.g. ask your angels, oracle cards, crystals and so on and look for signs that may indicate the answer ‘yes’ or ‘no’.

We often make decisions based on just one of these responses without checking others. It is so easy to ignore our instincts or allow our hearts to guide us. Or on some occasions, we ‘know’ in our minds the right path but resist the need to make changes. If you get mixed responses, then you need to do a little further clarification work (or seek further information) to help you make the right decision. But if all (or most) of the responses you receive line up and agree, it will give you a clear message.

So, are you on the right path currently?


Here is a prayer you can use (or say your own prayer from your heart)

Dear God, Masters, Angels, Archangels and Divine Beings of Light,

Please guide me on my path so that I may become a greater force for the light. Let the highest appropriate beings guide me forwards from this day forwards, so that I can add the greatest light and joy to the world, in the highest and most appropriate way for me.

I give thanks for the guidance and help that I receive, from today and this point forwards.


Know that the divine wants the best for you. Now more than ever it is important to stay true to your path, or to (re)discover it once more, as the world is filled with ever greater numbers of messages and information.


Our proven and successful home study course, Guided By Angels, is the perfect way to learn, or be reminded how to let your life be guided by your intuition, higher self, angels and higher beings. It guides yoi through a step-by-step process of learning and practice:

  • Working with your intuition
  • Looking for signs and interpreting them accurately
  • Learning the right way to meditate and reflect
  • Connecting with you Guardian Angel at the most basic level and then deeper each month
  • Understanding the connections with higher energies – Archangels & Ascended Masters –  for deeper insights
  • And then developing a daily practice for constant guidance in the right direction!

The Guided By Angels Programme has been used by thousands of seekers, in over 30 countries, to develop a daily spiritual practice THAT WORKS. If you seek spiritual guidance, to break away from the situation you currently face, take a look today. It’s fully guaranteed so if you enrol on the programme and find it isn’t quite right for you, then we offer a full money-back guarantee.

Try it now for yourself: http://www.guidedbyangels.info/guidedbyangels.shtml

I wish you a blessed weekend and week ahead. With love from the angels and divine.
