What is ‘ascension’? It’s the process of bringing higher energies and awareness to the earth, to lift the vibration of the planet, and to bring about a new enlightened earth, in a higher dimension.  The angels, archangels, masters, star beings and other beings of light are here working to bring about the transformation of the planet as a whole, as well as assisting those souls who have a role to play in this.

It is about bringing CONSCIOUS ascension to the planet. This means that the souls on Earth must be aware of the changes, participate in them, and play their part in transforming the older energies and bringing in the new energies.  They are bringing higher and heavenly energies to earth – helping literally to build heaven on earth.  Working with the angelic realms will enable you to tap into these higher divine energies, receive the new energies and awareness, be blessed in your own life, and help to teach and transmit these to others and to the world. Although there are many paths to God and ascension, working with angels, masters and beings who are working with the new energies on Earth, and allowing them to work with you, is a rapid and joyful path to ascension. You will be amazed at what is waiting for you. Experiences and joys beyond your current comprehension.

There are 4 broad ways in which this can help, and in so doing bringing greater miracles, happiness and joy to your life.  Can you see the connection between them?

1 calling angels in to help with your human life
2  leading you to develop your life purpose, then
3  helping you expand your work and positive influence, and
4  helping you to ascend to a higher plae of understanding

Can you also see the perfect divine fit with the ascension of the planet as a whole. By more and more people doing this (and increasingly large numbers of people are doing so) it is assisting the ascension of all and the whole planet.
This is mighty work.

So, dear one, I invite you to consider which stage you are currently at, which stages you would like to develop, now or in future, and call upon us to help you appropriately. Try this guide which was helpfully transmitted to me some years ago.